You are made for more.

Truth be told...
When I started my direct selling career, I had to make a shift in my financial mindset from that of an employee to that of a business owner and CEO. But even beyond that, I had SO much to learn about financial mindset, and I wanted to be sure it was aligned with God's Word. Step by step over these past 15 years, God has continued to show me how to RESET my money mindset according to HIS promises and truth!
I want the BEST for you so you can change the world. I want YOU to also learn how to walk in God's goodness, blessing, favor, and promises! And He wants that for you, as well! In my book, you will begin to pull of the layers of your money mindset, emotions and beliefs you have carried, and find ways to RESET to a healthy, biblically-based mindset!
So, before I jump in and share my back story, I want you to know that if I can help you in any way, I'm always here. My email is sonyaeckel@gmail.com and I love hearing from you! I also encourage you to join my "Walking in His Promises" Facebook community so we can stay in touch there! Oh, and be sure to find me on Instagram and YouTube, as well!
And be sure to click here: Resources so you can enjoy some special gifts from me!
Sonya Eckel
Here's the backstory...
My Journey From Career to Direct Sales...
My background is in physical therapy, and I also taught natural childbirth classes. Due to some health challenges in college and my early career, my passion for wellness and healthy living began! As long as I can remember, I have loved God, and I can see His hand on my life throughout the years. Even as a young girl, I loved to pray and talk with God. So when Willie and I got married and started our family, I began praying for a way to be able to stay home with this little one on the way!
After much crunching of the budget, we decided that I would drop to PRN Physical Therapy to give me more time home with our new baby, Jake. A couple years later, Luke was born and I became a full-time at-home mom. Which I loved. It was, in so many ways, the dream for me. However, the financial strain was NOT the dream. In fact, I realized that I hated financial stress. Praying that God would provide a way to provide the needed income, I definitely was not expecting to find the answer to that prayer in direct sales!
But when I saw this particular product, I knew I was called to share it, so I jumped in, ignorance on fire. Being a bit of a shy introvert, it was definitely outside of my comfort zone. But I did it anyway. And along the way, I began to have more and more financial success. And this is where many of my faulty money mindsets and beliefs began to rear their heads.
God is so faithful to hear our prayers! Never stop talking with Him! He loves you! He loves relationship with you. And, He loves to answer your prayers. I sought His help, and He has continually brought mentors, friends, and authors to speak into my life and lead me to the next level. And I pray I can be that mentor on your journey to help you take your financial mindset to the next level in a biblically-aligned way!
I am grateful for my upbringing, but I did have some unhealthy beliefs to uproot to be able to truly live in God's will and promises for my life!
I grew up on a small beef farm in South Dakota. I am beyond grateful for my parents, who both did all that they could to give us a good upbringing. I grew up in a very conservative Christian fellowship that was very works-based and legalistic. The people in the fellowship were amazing, and it was all I knew. But around 2010, God called us to leave this fellowship and He took us on a journey of GRACE and His incredible LOVE for us! This journey challenged many, many preconceived notions, but we heard His calling clearly, so we walked away from the only church was had known and began to earnestly seek Him more and more in the scriptures.
In the process of truly seeing Him and His truth, I fell in love with the Bible. It was as if He had lifted a set of glasses off my face and was showing me His amazing truth, love, and promises that I had missed before.
In the book, I share many things God has shown me along the journey, and to say they have been life-changing for me would be a massive understatement!
I pray this book will be a game-changer for you, as well! As you read, I encourage you to pray each prayer from your heart and embrace the Creator of the universe who wants a relationship with YOU! Embrace the promises He holds out for you! Accept the fabulous gift that He extends to each of us!
May you ever walk in His promises,
Sonya Eckel
